• It is the essential tool for demonstrating that the company implements an “AI ResponsAbility by Design” policy in the use of AI.
  • It addresses crucial issues such as social impact, transparency, non-discrimination, and privacy.
  • It is the first step towards understanding the ISO 42001 certification for AI management.
  • It offers companies a self-assessment and the opportunity to reflect on organizational and technological choices in implementation. It helps businesses to consolidate their ethical leadership and promote a responsible corporate culture in AI matters.
AI ResponsAbility By Desing

AI CHECK & GO™ is a self-assessment questionnaire for organizational gap analysis. The tool is administered individually to a sample of employees from various sectors, to be agreed upon with the company, depending on its size, the degree of corporate structuring, and the role of AI in the value chain (provider, deployer, etc.). The questionnaire consists of 150 questions, requiring an average response time of a few seconds, organized into 7 macro-sections.

To provide easily understandable results on potential risk areas, AI CHECK & GO™ uses speedometers on a 100-point scale (level of awareness: poor, average, good, and excellent). Companies adopting this tool receive a custom-made (tailor-made) research report, including several proposals to improve corporate awareness and resilience.