The Team

Responsibility & Design in Open Ecosystems is the payoff that has tracked the design and implementation of “ResponsAbility By Design” applications and services such as AI Check & GO, AI Check & Audit, Responsible Innovation Transfer, and Responsible Advisory Desk since our inception.

Our team

It is composed of people with a wealth of skills and experience who are united by a desire to help people who place their trust in us and rely on us to accompany them in their processes of change and responsible innovation. The ability to listen, clear principles of accountability, continuous learning, and a holistic approach identify and differentiate our group.

Senior Partner
Silvia Cereda
CyberLaw Specialist
Alessandra Malerba
Alessandra Malerba
Director CyberLaw Competence Center
Massimo V.A. Manzari
Massimo V.A. Manzari
CEO & co-founder
Michele Sanna
Business Process and Operations Director
Chiara Vescovi
CyberLaw Expert e Ph.D. candidate of Informatica Giuridica

We activate collaborations and strategic alliances with other research groups and startups devoted to responsible technological innovation.

We are members of the Italbiotec consortium, a cutting-edge innovation ecosystem of start-ups, companies, and universities on biotechnology.

Scientific committee

In ReD OPEN we have a scientific committee composed of Federico Cabitza, Professor of Human-Computer Interaction and Information Systems – Università Degli Studi  Milano-Bicocca, and Andrea Rossetti, Professor of Philosophy of Law and Legal Informatics – Università Degli Studi  Milano-Bicocca.

Federico Cabitza
Federico Cabitza
Co-founder & Head of the Scientific Committee
Andrea Rossetti
Andrea Rossetti
Co-founder & Member of the Scientific Committee